例句: We stayed on the phone to each other for hours and hours until the sun's rays shone through the windows, and outside we could both hear the hustle and bustle of daily...
(我要给你点颜色瞧瞧)“People mountain people sea."(人山人海)。 敲黑板划重点了! 除了以上这些雷人的中式英文,还有一些看起来得体合理的表达,99%的大学生都会用错! 一、on the one h...
世上每个人本来就有自己的发展时区。 People around you might seem to go ahead of you, 身边有些人看似走在你前面, some might seem to be behind you. 也有人看似走在你后面。 But e...
别误会这些英文(八) 美国饶舌歌手Eminem在他的半自传电影《8英里》里的最后部分将影片带入高超,底特律黑人区的即兴饶舌大赛中,他扮演的Jimmy获得了冠军,当全场的饶舌歌迷随着音乐和Emin...
"I look around but it's you I can't replace." 1983 Eurythmics: 《Sweet Dream Are Made of This》 "I travel the world and the seven seas. Everybody's looking for something." ...